Inspiring Authors

Early Inspiration

I love to read and read and read. Many authors, now long forgotten, have contributed to the type of story I like to read. In essence, something with a bit of a twist.

For those lucky to have read, or heard of, The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry will never forget the story. It is both beautiful and poignant. I read it as a young person and the unexpected ending left me wanting more stories like that.

Patricia Highsmith’s short stories are similar, in that she adds unexpected twists. If you have seen Hitchcock’s movie Strangers on a Train, then you will know Patricia Highsmith’s work. Her stories can be dark and disturbing, and sometimes just weird, but she can hold my imagination with her breathtaking imagination. Find an anthology of her works here The Selected Stories of Patricia Highsmith.

Daphne du Maurier has also contributed to my writing development. Her collections of short stories such as, Don’t Look Now and Other Stories are full of suspense and keep you reading. Her books and the audiobook of Rebecca is likely available through the Libby app at your local library.

Finally, in this Early Inspiration section, I am going to mention The Short Stories of John B. Keane. He tells very short tales of folk in small Irish country towns with fun and truth. They feel real and insightful.

Current Writers

I have just finished Lisa Harding’s Bright Burning Things. It is a novel, not short stories but it is so good. I really do recommend it, especially the narrated version because Lisa Harding reads her own work with the speed, emotion and emphasis required, making it real. (Check the Libby app at your local library, hold audio copies as well as books. )

